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The Governing Body

The Governing Body is made up of people with a wide range of skills to support the School to achieve its strategic objectives. They are elected by different bodies to include the Members of the Academy Trust; The Governing Body and Parents.

The term of office of all Governors is four years except the Headmaster.

In general, Governors are replaced as and when they reach the end of their four year term (shown in brackets). Subject to remaining eligible to be a particular type of Governor, any Governor may be re-appointed or re-elected.

Chair: Mr Ben Casemore - Community Governor (27 September 2025)

Vice Chair: Mr Dominic Hayes - Community Governor  (30 September 2027)

Mr Philip Wayne – Headmaster

Dr Raghib Ali - Community Governor resigned 18 December 2024

Mrs Belinda Avery - Community Governor (29 September 2025)

Ms Beth Byrne - Community Governor (1 September 2028)

Mr Bennett Carr - Community Governor (26 November 2025

Mrs Gay Flashman - Community Governor (7 June 2025)

Mr Martyn Fuller - Community Governor (26 November 2025)

Mr Tahir Jawed - Foundation Governor (20 March 2027)

Mr Richard King - Parent Governor (20 March 2027)

Mr Dominic Markham - Co-opted Governor (1 June 2026)

Mr Swag Mukerji - Co-opted Governor (29 June 2028)

Mr Gerard O'Keefe - Co-opted Governor (1 December 2028)

Mr Richard Roberts - Community Governor (20 March 2027)

Mrs Judith Woods Ballard - Community Governor (26 June 2027)

Contacting the Governors:

If you would like further information about the RGS Governing Body or would like to contact a Governor, please e-mail, telephone or write to the Clerk to Governors:

Caroline Cobb

Send an e-mail to the Clerk to Governors.

Clerk to Governors
Royal Grammar School
Amersham Road
High Wycombe
HP13 6QT