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RGS Year 7 “Ethos of Learning” Virtual Event

Join Mr Wallace for a Virtual Year 7 Academic Evening on Wednesday 14th October at 7.00pm

Normally at this time of year, we would invite you to attend the Year 7 Parents’ Academic Evening in the Queen’s Hall. Sadly, under current circumstances we are unable to invite you onto the school site. Instead, we will aim to host the evening remotely via Zoom. It is an opportunity for you to hear about the RGS “Ethos of Learning”. We will share with you the key skills your son will be developing during his time at RGS so that you can continue to support him at home.

There has been a great deal of research into the key skills employers want from their workforce. We have broken these down into four main categories: Responsibility, Creativity, Engagement and Teamwork. These represent the cornerstone of our “Ethos of Learning”. In an ever more demanding world, our young men are put under increasing pressure and we hope to develop their skills so that they can excel in the future.

The evening is for parents only and below are the details for the login to the Zoom meeting:

Click here to join

Year 7 pupils will also have received a similar session at school on Tuesday 13 October. We feel it is really important that you understand what we are trying to deliver here at RGS so we can continue to work together to support your son as best as possible.

We look forward to seeing you tonight. If you are unable to attend, we will share the presentation afterwards.