Drama & English
In the English and Drama Department, we strive for each student to leave us as confident, creative and original thinkers, writers and speakers.
Here in the English and Drama Department, we strive for each student to leave full time education as confident, creative and original thinkers, writers and speakers. We aim to achieve this through our stimulating curriculum which offers ambitious texts, and units of work which aim to hone in on essential reading, writing and Speaking and Listening skills. The English and Drama curriculum challenges each student’s perspective of the world through the critical lens of writers, be that fiction or non-fiction. Indeed, if we can embed a love and mastery of Literature and the English Language across all key stages, then we are not only creating and supporting confident and independent students, but also empathetic young people who are aware of their social conscience and embrace difference. Furthermore, our Department recognises, supports and promotes our students’ love of reading and not only the mental-health benefits of it, but also the cross-curricular benefits of reading as it minimises literacy issues. The passion of the English and Drama Department is plain to see in lessons and through the rapport with our students; the impactful nature of our passion and dedication to our subjects and our students through the inclusive and diverse curriculum and co-curricular activities that we offer.
Co-curricular clubs
- Poetry Club
- Public Speaking
- Book Club
- Carnegie Book Club
- Dr Who Club
I enjoy reading the new poems because they are so different from each over and I have discovered new poets which I enjoy. My favourite poem so far is ‘Still I Rise’ By Maya Angelou because it is so different to any other poem I have ever read because of the rhythm and theme. The group of poems are so different and exotic – every time I read a new one it feels like picking a random fruit I have never eaten before and giving it a bite.
Aadam, Yr 10
I’ve enjoyed the freedom during the creative writing and journalism TAA course. One week I could write a poem, the next I could be writing a persuasive argument of a topic of my choice.
Finn, Yr 12
Creative writing has been an enjoyable way to express my creativity, in writing. I look forward to it every week and it is great.
Gavin, Yr 12