A Celebration of Reading

Year 11 Learn Spanish with Stories: ¿Me voy o me quedo? - Juan Fernandez. James is a young English man who is really obsessed with studying Spanish. Not only does he want to learn Spanish: he wants to be Spanish! He gave up drinking tea and now he only drinks coffee, sangría and red wine; he is learning to dance flamenco by watching videos on YouTube, and sleeps siesta every day. No wonder people in the village think he is completely crazy! Harry Potter y la Piedra Filosofal - J.K. Rowling (Spanish edition of Harry Potter books). S Year 12 El silencio de la ciudad blanca - Eva García Sáenz de Urturi. The bodies of a boy and a twenty-year-old girl appear in the crypt of the Old Cathedral. Unai Lopez de Ayala, an expert inspector in criminal profiles, must hunt down the ritual murderer who has been terrorizing the city for two decades. S El Prisionero del Cielo - Carlos Ruiz Zafón Barcelona. The Prisoner of Heaven this is the third novel in the series “The Cemetery of Forgotten Books” by the author. S Year 13 Complete A-Level Spanish - ten titles: various. Written in Spanish at an accessible level for A-Level students. Includes comprehension questions and visual content explaining all cultural references needed for most A-level exam boards. S El general en su laberinto - Gabriel Garcia Marquez. The General in his Labyrinth - a fictional account of the last seven months of Simon Bolivar. S Did you know you can read any ebooks you borrow from the school library’s ebook collection in Spanish? Borrow an ebook from the library catalogue and read it via the Wheelers app on your device. If you select the immersive reader function, you can choose to read the whole book in a language of your choice and if you get stuck on a word you can click on it to get the English translation. This is a great way to start reading a whole book in a foreign language. Why not try borrowing a book you know well in English and then reading it in Spanish. Year 7 Spanish Short Stories for Beginners - Alex Torres. 12 interesting side by side bilingual stories so you have fun while reading. Easy grammar so you can understand and adopt common structures. S El Capitan Trueno: El secreto del iceberg - Victor Mora S Year 8 Aventuras de Sherlock Holmes - español/ inglés (Dual English/Spanish text) Arthur Conan Doyle & Fernando Aznar. This book offers an adaptation of the original text of Conan Doyle, in both Spanish and English. The Mexiglish Girl / La Chica Mexiglish - Natalia Simons. Year 9 Diario de Greg, un renacuajo - Jeff Kinney (Spanish edition of Diary Of A Wimpy Kid). Spanish Short Stories for Beginners - Alex Torres. 12 interesting side by side bilingual stories so you have fun while reading. Easy grammar so you can understand and adopt common structures. S Year 10 Learn Spanish with Stories: ¿Me voy o me quedo? - Juan Fernandez. James is a young English man who is really obsessed with studying Spanish. Harry Potter y la Piedra Filosofal - J.K. Rowling (Spanish edition of Harry Potter books). S Spanish 32/33