Parents Handbook

Sanctions Sanctions are to be reasonable and appropriate. They are to be used sparingly and as a last resort. The incident is discussed with a duty member of staff who agrees a suitable sanction. Tournaments The prefects are expected to take a leading role in organising tournaments, competitions and activities for the boarding house. The emphasis of these events is to promote integration and a positive atmosphere among the boarders as well as being competitive arenas. Rotas The prefect team are to organise their own duty rota and place a copy in the duty room and one copy in the 6th form common room. The prefects will also organise the washing up rota for the 6th form common room. Meetings The prefects are expected to attend regular prefect meetings at the request of the Housemaster (Pastoral). Prefect Roles As well as Head and Deputy Head of House, each prefect is given an area of responsibility and are expected to liaise with and assist the appropriate staff with the following: • Activities • Social Media • Common Rooms • Community • Council • Sustainability • Tours Ambassadors The prefects are ambassadors for the boarding house. They will be expected to speak to parents of prospective boarders and give tours of the boarding house when requested.